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Successful people move on their own initiative but they know where they are going before they start!

What is PURPOSE?

pur·pose [ púrpəss ]   Audio player
  1. reason for existence: the reason for which something exists or for which it has been done or made
  2. desired effect: the goal or intended outcome of something
  3. determination: the desire or the resolve necessary to accomplish a goal
Synonyms: intention, intent, aim, object, objective, goal, target, end
Purpose is the starting point of all achievements.  Know what you want and setting the goal fills you with a success consciousness.  People have struggled with this for years because they have not realized how to reach from within to find out who they truly are.  Living on purpose is a progress, not perfection!
Purpose is ignited by our thoughts!

We are all designed for a specific purpose; we all have something for which each of us, and each of us alone, is responsible.

~ Naomi Stephan

To achieve this goal one must take the time to discover who they are, discover what makes them happy to achieve a more fulfilling life.  I challenge you to take thirty minutes daily before you rise to meditate and focus in the stillness to find out who you truly are.  Clear your mind, listen to your breaths and listen to the quiet.  During these tranquil moments you will discover oneself and gain insight to your purpose.
Living on purpose allows us to live a life that matters, leave a legacy, impact others while changing the world!
Decide on a major goal in your life!  How much time are you willing to allow yourself to achieve this goal?  Is the achievement measurable and attainable?  Write the vision and make it plain, concise and positive.  Write it down and place it strategically where you will see it several times a day!

If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

To learn more go to http://www.vizmaster.weebly.com

About Vision Mastermind

I assist others in obtaining a better quality of life personally, financially and physically. It is all about natural, positive, healthy living! Here's to your living and no longer existing!!!


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