

This category contains 33 posts

Money $marts

Learn the ABCs of Business and Personal Credit and     take advantage of the rest of our Financial Literacy program your financial life will change! We are interviewing potential clients across the country who want great personal credit, business credit and Financial Literacy. Credit, Business, Real Estate, Finances, Tech, Law, Accounting, Global, Financial Literacy, Wealth Creation … Continue reading

The MIND is the secret of success!

It is in the mind that we wrestle with the spiritual and carnal nature. Because we have the power to choose, we find ourselves engaged on the daily battle of deciding between life and death. “For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace…” … Continue reading

Are you Prosperity Conscience?

How do you think and what do you think about YOU? The starting point of prosperity is your consciousness.  You must think you are successful way before you achieve it in reality.  Poverty and riches are a result of your thinking, the most profound step that you can take to prosperity is to CHANGE your … Continue reading

What are the CONSEQUENCES?

“Just begin and the mind grows heated; continue, and the task will be completed!” —–Goethe   Your attitude toward time, your “time horizon,” has an enormous impact on your behavior and your choices. People who take the long view of their lives and careers always seem to make much better decisions about their time and … Continue reading

The ABC Method for Success

The more thought you invest in planning and setting priorities before you begin, the more important things you will do and the faster you will get them done once you get started. The more important and valuable the task is to you, the more you will be motivated to overcome procrastination and launch yourself into … Continue reading

The ENERGY of an Entrepreneur

For you to be at the top of your form, to be action oriented, fast moving, and extremely productive, you have to have high levels of physical and mental energy.For you to be able to take advantage of all the possibilities around you, and to have the continuous enthusiasm that keeps you and others motivated … Continue reading


What is SUCCESS? The greatest mentor to ever walk this earth was Jesus.  Who did he mentor you ask?  The disciples and all to follow.  This is why I know that it has no religious but spiritual relational connection to be achieved. S  Strengthens your ability to create and resist failure. U Unlock your full … Continue reading

Obtain Good Credit and Financial Independence

The VistaMoney VRTech Prepaid MasterCard Reports Payment Behavior to All Three Major Credit Bureaus: Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union     How, you can get credit for your bill pay transactions that you’re already paying, but may have not been reporting to the three major credit bureaus. Approximately 50 million Americans have little or no … Continue reading

What Are You Going To Do!

The choice is yours! Timing is everything! Everyone has a different passion and motivator. All I ask is that you do something to change your life for the better. Please do not allow someone else besides yourself and GOD control your destiny. Life is what you believe and perceive it to be! Ask, do, believe … Continue reading

FES Receives NACSO Seal

 Financial Education Services Achieves NACSO  “Standards of Excellence” FARMINGTON HILLS, MI – June 3, 2011- Financial Education Services has earned the NACSO seal, indicating their strong ability to meet credit service industry standards. The National Association of Credit Services Organization ensures creditability by examining a company’s background, officers, and customer endorsement. Speculation surrounds the credit … Continue reading

Calendar of Events

June 2024