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EXERCISE, health & wellness, healthy living, life, personal development


Some people wonder what the true meaning of the word character is?

Character   (kăr’ək-tər)  n.

The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another.

  • Moral or ethical strength.
  • A description of a person’s attributes, traits, or abilities.
  • Character is relative to personality, but it is not one in the same.  Personality is primarily inborn traits, while character is learned behaviors.  Character traits are typically adapted from from parents, teachers, friends and community.

    Your character concerns your attitudes toward doing difficult tasks, dealing with other people and following the rules of your culture. It is the judgment of the type of person you are.

    Character is taught to you when you are a child however it can change through life experiences.  Everything you do involves choices, positive or negative.  Choices display what you value more and less.  Your actions, or choices tell the world who you truly are and what your intentions are.

    Character can be changed!  The core of character is integrity.  This can be measured by honesty and accountability to yourself, as well as others.    Great character is never compromised under any circumstances.

    Your attitude toward challenges you face when seeking to achieve a goal or when trying to complete a task can help to determine whether you will be a success or failure in that goal or task.

    Having positive personal character traits will not only allow you to achieve various tasks, but it also can to be a strong indication of being a success in general.



    Positive trait

    Negative trait

    Danger Courage Cowardice
    Importance Conscientious Careless
    Difficulty Determined Discouraged
    Abilities Confident Unsure
    Effort Hard working Lazy
    Your thoughts determine your actions.  Your actions expose your character.   The choice is yours!!

    About Vision Mastermind

    I assist others in obtaining a better quality of life personally, financially and physically. It is all about natural, positive, healthy living! Here's to your living and no longer existing!!!


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