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DIET, EXERCISE, FITNESS, health & wellness, healthy living, medical, MINERALS

Protein is necessary!

Protein is necessary for your skin, muscles, hair, and organ support.  Protein travels through your body in the blood system as hormones, enzymes and red blood cells.

Where does protein come from?

Protein comes from the food we eat.  There are two classes of proteins, complete and incomplete.  Complete proteins are derived from animal products ( fish, poultry and dairy) and contains the essential amino acids necessary to help keep the body fit and healthy.  Incomplete proteins are found in plant foods (nuts, grains, vegetables and beans).  Vast amounts of these proteins must be consumed to achieve the level necessary for protein building.

These proteins combined compliment each other.  Some examples are rice and beans, cereal and milk, or bread and cheese just to name a  few.  For a list of proteins Click Here

What is the function of protein?

Protein can help you shed those unwanted pounds and keep you full. But it’s important to eat the right amount and the right kind of protein to get the health benefits.  The body’s protein needs on a daily basis depend on your age, sex and weight, on average the amount of protein you need can be worked out by multiplying your weight in pounds by the numbers shown below:

  • An adult who exercises on a regular basis – weight x 0.5
  • An athlete – weight x 0.6
  • An adult who is body building for muscle mass – weight x 0.7
  • A growing teenage athlete – weight x 0.9
  • 5 ways to increase your protein intake
  • Increase the amount of meat you have in your diet
  • Blend a cup of milk, yogurt and your favourite fruit
  • Add shredded cheese or cottage cheese to you salad
  • Add protein when you snack, drink milk with cakes and biscuits, use peanut butter on an apple
  • Mix protein into foods for example, make an eggnog of egg substitute, milk and sweetener.

About Vision Mastermind

I assist others in obtaining a better quality of life personally, financially and physically. It is all about natural, positive, healthy living! Here's to your living and no longer existing!!!


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